
Showing posts from August, 2010

Blacks And The Tea Party

The last several weeks have been particularly painful as I listened to the left wing media and the civil rights mafia turn their racism fire hoses on the Tea parties. There is a foolish notion that the absence or presence of blacks or de-legitimizes or legitimizes a movement. As the case with many issues, fundamental ignorance is at the core of this belief. The Tea party is an anti-big government movement It is against government expansion and the increase in government power. Blacks believe in big government and work everyday through the democratic party to bring it about. Blacks turning out to protest big government is kin to a pimp protesting prostitution. You won't see it. The disgusting lack of political diversity amongst blacks makes us the most uninformed, dis informed and misinformed people in the country. 90% percent of us know nothing else except to go in the voting booth and pull the lever a Democrats-hoping that we will get something in return. Haven't liberal poli...

Keep The Change

It has been over a year and a half since the "messiah" was elected to wash away America's sins, save the planet and restore American prosperity. The almost religious chants of hope and change are all but forgotten as many of his own supporters have jumped off the bandwagon. The forced health care bill, and overbearing bureaucracy that is otherwise known as the Financial Reform bill. The mini trade wars with Mexico and China,the stalled trade agreements with Columbia and Panama add to his woes. His mistreatment of longtime allies Israel and Poland have made him unpopular in those countries. The president has also lost his luster in the UK due to his slamming of BP as British Petroleum. The only thing that will insure his return to Chicago in 2012 is to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and you'll have a Jimmy Carter Redux. For those who think that Obama is of a vastly different political mind than George W. Bush, I have sobering news for you: The foreign policy appa...