
Showing posts from November 30, 2012

Let Obama Take A Flying Leap

I am certain I"m not the only one who has grown nauseous hearing about the so called Fiscal cliff. The alleged economic meltdown that is supposed to happen if the spending cuts and the  Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire in January. The only way to highlight the clear difference between the right and the clearly destructive policies of the left is to allow them their failed economic experiment. Obama's obsession with raising taxes on the rich will result in slower economic growth and will almost certainly throw the U.S. into a recession. The best examples of the fruits of liberal economic policies are the states of California, Michigan and Illinois. High taxes, union control and bloated benefits packages for public workers are the recipe for a failed state and country.  For several years now the President has blamed his predecessor for his failures.The only logical choice is to allow Obama and the left to destroy the economy, therefore killing his blam...