
Showing posts from August 5, 2008

America's crisis of values

A few months ago I stopped at a CVS store not far from my home. The manager checked my items out for me and began to lament the 2:30 daily invasion of local high schools students that was just minutes way. " Do the students cause a problem? I asked, his response was " they steal everything, if they don't leave their bags at the door then I don't let them in " he said. These students, by the way are not poor "inner city" kids, but suburban kids from Cleveland Hts which has a median household income of over $47,000. From that day on I would notice signs at every drug stores or convenience stores. Some of them read "no students under 18 in store without adult supervision. Others limit the number of students allowed in or mandate that they leave their backpacks at the door before entering. I was watching a program on MSNBC and one of my least favorite lefties, Harry Belafonte was speaking to inmates at a state penitentiary as he often does. Banana ma...

Radical Islam for Dummies

You have to give it to the Iranians. They're insane but at least they're consistent. The Mullahs with a straight face repeatedly tell the UN that their nuclear weapons program is for "peaceful" means. Brian Williams wasted jet fuel flying over to Tehran to ask Ahmadenejad cotton ball questions like "Is your message to the world a message of confrontation or cooperation? What do you think Ammadwackjob's response was? Brian should have asked him what does an oil producing nation need with nuclear power? Yes, of coarse he wants cooperation, it's Bush and the great Satan that wants confrontation Brian? I am confounded by the the pure ignorance of the left with regard to the mindset of Muslim countries. They care nothing about ipods , SUV's and big homes. The radical strain of Islam-which In my opinion accounts for 25% of the Muslim population- wants to return to the Caliphate. A Caliphate, in short is a united Muslim state controlled by a leader called...