
Showing posts from April 15, 2014

President Obama Should Pay His Fair Share

President Obama released his 2013 tax returns and once again fails to pay his fare share. President and Mrs. Obama reported $481,098 in income paying $98,169 in income tax for an effective rate of 20.4%, slightly more than last years 18.4% they paid on $608,611in income. The Obama's donated $59,251 to charity and paid $23,328 to the state of Illinois. The Presidents rhetoric once again does not match his actions. Surely a member the 1% would be vilified for such a favorable tax rate. The President has often stated how he and others like him don't need the tax breaks however he continues to take advantage of them. Of course the press will ignore this latest display of hypocrisy. I wonder what Warren Buffet's secretary has to say about this?