
Showing posts from May 14, 2010

Blacks Only Field Trip Revealing

A Michigan elementary school Principal took group of 5th grade students on a field trip to hear a speech by an African American rocket scientist. The only problem: he only took the black students. This incident for this blogger has much larger revelations other than the obvious. This Principal is the prototypical example of the dangers of a left wing education. A huge problem among blacks specifically is their ability to practice discrimination and segregation while simultaneously preaching "equality" and "inclusion". Dicken Elementary School Mike Madison took a group on black students, part of a group known as the African American Lunch Bunch to hear a black rocket scientist speak. The fact that there is such a group at a such a racially diverse school is troubling. Needless to say, the outrage would be manic if a white organization existed and engaged in the same exclusion of black students. In the black left wing mind, discrimination and racism are acceptable ...

For Greece, Panic Is The Word

A little over a year ago, I was having a discussion with some liberal friends about various issues. At that time, the US dollar was being battered in the global market and was at an all-time low against the Euro. What a difference a year makes. Thanks to European debt crisis and its epicenter Greece, the Euro is headed very fast in the other direction. The euro, fell Friday below $1.24, an 18-month low against the greenback.The European Union is facing a massive sovereign debt crisis precipitated by Greece, whose welfare state spending is finally breaking. The Greek sovereign debt rating was recently downgraded by Moody's and will quite possibly face a second downgrade. The EU in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund unveiled a temporary lifeline with a $1 trillion rescue package which may just be a short term fix. Greece is still saddled with a crippling business climate, slow economic growth and huge entitlement spending. The sad reality is that Greece is just the sque...