
Showing posts from November 12, 2012

Obama's Fall Gal's

It was confirmed yesterday that Secretary Of State Hilary Clinton will be Stepping down next year. It has been a very tumultuous year for Mrs. Clinton. There was the Arab spring,Syria, and the Benghazi Libya terrorist attacks that left four Americans dead for which she held herself personally responsible. Many saw this mea culpa as her falling on her sword for President Obama. For Susan Rice, America's UN representative, it has been far worse in a more devastating way. She was trotted out to five Sunday talk shows to spin the Benghazi attack as a "spontaneous reaction" to the widely publicized anti- Islamic video circulating on you tube. Evidence would later emerge that would render those claims dubious at best. The emails and timeline exposed by the state Department and the intelligence services would later show that the attack was likely to have been an coordinated attack by an Al qaida affiliate in Libya. Ms. Rice for a...