
Showing posts from June 20, 2013

Immigration Bill"s Not So Hidden Agenda

As the so called 'gang of eight", scrambles to amend the immigration bill to appease conservatives' border security concerns, its passage will surely benefit Democrats long term. Under the proposed legislation, 8 million immigrants would become legal-a large number of them Hispanics- which will surely spark a battle for those voters. During the last two presidential elections, neither John McCain or Mitt Romney could not maintain the support from Latino voters as did George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. This trend could likely continue for the foreseeable future. Many of these illegals will become instant Democratic voters who will be very receptive to liberals giveaways and social programs. This spells trouble for not only black Americans but for America in general. The influx of new and primarily low skilled workers will not only further drive down wages,  black Americans will no longer be the darlings of the Democratic party. A few year...