Black Democrats Continue To Fail Their Constitutents
As the latest black democrat left a Federal courthouse defeated, sadly it will have little effect on their blindly loyal voters. Democrats have ruled our major cities for decades and with few exceptions they have turned into social and economic basket cases. Here just a few examples of recent fallen democratic Mayors and politicians. Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon is the latest left wing politician who appears to be headed to federal prison. He abruptly resigned two weeks ago after being arrested on corruption charges. In February former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin was convicted on 20 of 21 federal corruption counts. He is awaiting sentencing. Jesse Jackson Jr . is cooling his heels in the fed for the next several years, he plead guilty in 2013 to misuse of campaign funds. Jackson served as a congressman from Illinois 2nd district, a seat previously occupied by Mel Reynolds who also served time in prison for having sex with underage campaign workers. ...