Reid's Comments Cast Light On Light Skin
Nevada Senator Harry racially charged comments regarding then Presidential candidate Barack Obama are surprising to some but certainly not to me. During the 2008 campaign, Reid said in private remarks during the campaign that the country was ready for a "light-skinned" African-American president with "no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." The remarks are contained in a new book, "Game Change: Obama and the Clinton's , McCain and Palin , and the Race of a Lifetime." The words that jumped out at me immediately was "light skinned". About a year ago I almost caused a riot in the barber shop when I stated that Obama would not have been elected if his complexion looked like that of actor Wesley Snipes. Those who are not cognizant of this are foolish. Complexion has an effect on mindset of blacks as well as whites. Shall I offer proof? Let's take walk down history. Adam Clayton Powell, the first black elected to congress from the st...