The Capitalist Life Of Chinese Communist
During the reign on Mao Zedomg, Capitalist were considered the enemy of the Chinese state. The government often persecuted Capitalist and sometimes even took over their businesses. However during the 1990's Deng Xiaping was suddenly bitten by the capitalist bug and declared "to get rich is glorious". Then in 2002, a constitutional amendment allowed private enterprise into the party system. We are all aware of the astounding growth of the Chinese economy over that past decade. The Chinese State Capitalist model whereby the government subsidizes and controls most industries has produced a powerful economy indeed but has also produced many millionaires and billionaires who are members of the Communist Party. According to the Hurun report, a Chinese research firm, 160 out of the 1024 richest people in China were seated on the Communist Party Congress, which is a legislative body and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)...