President Obama Bites the Hand That Funds Him
The president's press conference last week regarding the debt ceiling didn't reveal anything new in this debate. However he did manage to fire off another shot in his ongoing class war with the wealthy. The President made reference 14 times to "millionaires, billionaires and corporate jet owners". Anyone who has followed the Obama money trail will find the irony laughable. For the those who have bought into the Obama camps line that ma and Paw Kettle financed his $700MM campaign war chest with small donations will be disappointed at the raw truth. In spite of the presidents consistent attacks on Wall Streets fat bonuses and 15% tax rates, next to unions they're amongst his largest contributors. According the center for responsive politics, Obama received more than $8mm from securities and investment houses during his 08' campaign. The Obama "soak the rich" strategy might play well with his far left base however on Wall Street the President is experie...