Hello 911? Send The United States
With the latest debate on US military intervention the question of whether or not the U.S. should be the words police. The US with the worlds strongest military has intervened countless times in civil conflicts, conducted preemptive strikes and came to the aid of oppressed minorities who faced extermination. The Philippine Senate voted in 1991 to close the then largest U.S. overseas military facility Subic Naval base. Senator Agapito Aquino then stated that closing the base had ended his countries "crippling dependence" on its former colonial overlord. It now appears that the Philippines wants Uncle Sam back as it feels threatened by China's expanded military presence in Southeast Asia-which have also reached the Philippine coast. China's military has menaced oil survey boats along the gas rich Reed Bank, claimed by Manila. The Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority has preserved all the existing structures on the base and made made other overtures in order to entice the ...