The Legend Of The Unarmed White Man (Revised)

The August 2014 shooting death of unarmed black teen Mike Brown in St. Louis by a white police officer and the subsequent decision by the grand jury not to indict has brought unrest to American Streets. The protestors feel that police are shooting and killing mostly unarmed black men at alarming rates. Many also believe that police interaction amongst white's is all together different due to the benefits of "white privilege". "If that had of been a white man..." is a common refrain from blacks when speaking of a negative experience with a white police officer. The media plays an integral role in these perceptions by continuously assaulting us with images of black victims and white perpetrators. In light of the Brown incident and other controversial shootings this year, the adjective attached to these perceived victims is "unarmed". The term is a staple in the lexicon of the American media which has painted a false sense of reality for millions of Americans.

When does one ever see the headline: Unarmed White Man Killed by Police? Such reports are all but nonexistent in the mainstream press. Due in part to the fact that white men are not a victim class and therefor have no advocacy. There isn't a white male equivalent to Al Sharpton who will jump in front of cameras and scream that an injustice has occurred. Nor are whites prone to take to the streets and demonstrate against the police shooting individuals of questionable character or a criminal in the midst of a crime as blacks tend to do; Particularly when the one that has fired the shot is a white police officer. In spite of what one does not see on MSNBC or CNN, there are plenty of incidents whereby unarmed whites have been shot and/or killed by police-in some cases by black cops or black civilians. There are also tragic instances whereby whites die while in police custody. A few examples:

February 8th, 2017 Vincent DePalma, 26 of Geneva, Ohio was shot and killed by Ashtabula County police after they went inside a house to investigate a disturbance. Police called for back-up after De Palma allegedly became unruly. Officers attempted to subdue De Palma with a taser and baton but were unsuccessful. He reportedly lunged at officers and was shot before backup arrived. De Palma was unarmed.


March 6, 2017 Roy Evans Jr., 37 was shot and killed by Strongsville Ohio police after leading them on a high speed chase. Evans, who had an extensive criminal record, failed to obey police orders to pull over. His van crashed after police applied stop sticks. An officer approached and he was shot once in the chest and killed. His girlfriend and 3 children were also in the vehicle. Evans was unarmed.
June 25th 2016 Dylan Noble, 19 of Fresno California was shot several times after repeatedly refusing police commands to show both of his hands. After a mile long pursuit, Noble came to a stop however he refused to do as police instructed. After walking towards police with one of hand hidden behind his back, he was shot several times and killed. Noble was unarmed.

August 18th 2016 Daniel K. Harris, a 29 year old deaf mute was shot and killed outside his home after a roughly 7 mile police chase. Harris was obviously unable to hear sirens or understand commands. After eventually pulling over he was shot according to witnesses almost immediately after exiting the vehicle. Harris who was shot by black officer Jermaine Saunders, was Unarmed.

 July 26th 2015 19 year old Zachary Hammond was sitting in a parking lot with a female companion. The female allegedly texted someone in attempts to arrange a drug deal and inadvertently texted a police officer instead. When an officer approached the vehicle, Hammond attempted to drive away. The officer fired two shots into the open drivers side window, killing Hammond. No charges were filed against the police officer. Hammond was unarmed.

February 2015 Josh Tucker 31 of Indianapolis ( left) unarmed was shot and killed by Albert Rodgers 26 (below) after a weeklong dispute over a dog. The dispute began when Rodgers, a legal permit holder, fired at Tucker's dog a week earlier. According to court documents, Rodgers who claimed self defense, fired as many as 10 shots during the argument. He was arrested and charged with murder. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to 11 years, including 10 years in community corrections and one year of probation. He will serve no time in prison.

February 28th 2015: Eaton Park Michigan, 17 year old Deven Guilford was returning home from a church basketball game when he was pulled over by Sgt. Jonathan Frost of the Eaton Country Sheriff's department. Guilford flashed Frost believing that his high beams were on. Frost pulled over Guilford and asked to see his license, which he repeatedly refused. After a lengthy argument, Frost ordered Guilford out of the car and on to the ground. Frost kicked a cell phone out of Guilford's hand. Frost' body camera failed to record the actual shooting. But it did record a scuffle and several shots being fired. Guilford was hit seven
times.Guilford was unarmed.

August 10, 2014: 26 year old white man Andrew Scott Gaynier was shot and killed by off duty Black Dallas police officer Antonio Hudson. Private video of the shooting shows that Gaynier, who was reportedly behaving erratically and had an extensive criminal history, charged the officer. Gaynier was shot six times, including twice in the left side of the chest. The officer so far has not been charged. Gaynier was unarmed.

December 2014: 43 year old John Hebebrand of Bedford, Ohio was killed by police after responding to a domestic dispute. Police were called to the home after Hebebrand's distraught girlfriend called 911 to complain that her live in boyfriend was drunk and destroying the house. Police confronted Hebrebrand inside the home. After tasing him failed, police say Hebebrand lunged at them with a knife and was shot. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

December 6, 2013: San Antonio college student Robert Redus was shot five times during a fatal altercation with a campus police officer. Police struggled to arrest Redus during a traffic stop where he was accused of driving erratically. According to police  Redus turned around and charged officer Chris Carter with an arm raised to strike him. Carter fired his .40-caliber semi-automatic weapon six times, hitting Redus five times — in the chest, neck, eye, arm and thigh. according to a witness, Redus allegedly said before being shot "Oh, you're gonna to shoot me"? Redus was unarmed.

September 21, 2014: Career criminal Shane Lambert 39, a murder suspect was shot and killed by Mansfield, Ohio police. Lambert was a suspect in the murder of an acquaintance, 57 year old James Berens. Police tracked Lambert, a career criminal, to a vacant house and confronted him inside. After he was shot, Lambert ran outside and down about half a block where he laid down on the ground. He was rushed to the hospital and later pronounced dead. Lambert was unarmed.

October 6, 2012: White University of South Alabama student Gil Collar was shot and killed by police officer Trevis Austin, who is black. Collar who was under the influence of a relatively unknown hallucinogenic drug 25I-NBOMe, approached the campus police station and violently banged on the window causing officer Austin to out with gun drawn to investigate. He was also naked when he approached the officer before he was shot and killed. The grand jury cleared officer Austin of any wrong doing.

August 11, 2012: White 20 year old unarmed Dillon Taylor (top photo) was killed by a Hispanic Salt Lake City police officer after refusing to show his hands. Police were called to the scene of a convenience store about someone allegedly waving a gun in the air. Taylor and the two individuals he was with matched the description of the 911 caller. When confronted by police, the other two raised their hands and complied with officers, Taylor did not. He was shot by officer Bron Cruz after refusing to remove his hands from his pants as he turned toward officers. The shooting was recorded by body camera video. Officer Cruz was cleared by the District Attorney.

 May 16, 2012  Seth Adams was shot and killed in the parking lot of his family’s Loxahatchee Fla. landscaping business by Palm Beach County Sheriff Michael Custer. Custer claimed Adams pulled up and immediately began yelling at him and eventually choked him. Custer maintains he shot Adams after fearing that Adams was reaching in his truck for a gun.  Adams was unarmed.

Danielle Maudsley September 19, 2011: 20 year old Danielle Maudsley high on oxycodone,was attempting to flee from a Florida Highway patrol substation after being arrested for two hit and runs. Trooper Daniel Cole chased after her and from a few feet away pulled out his taser and fired into her back. Maudsley spun around and fell backwards on the pavement, hitting her head.She remained brain dead until her death in September 2013.

July 3, 2011: 27 year old Daniel Ficker was shot and killed by Parma, Ohio police after a confrontation outside his home. Ficker was accused of stealing jewelry from an off duty police officer's home. When two officers showed up to question Ficker, a fight broke out and he was shot and killed by a policeman's 9mm bullet to his side. The two officers involved in the shooting were cleared of any wrongdoing. Ficker was unarmed.

December 12,2010: 35 year old unarmed Douglas Zerby was shot and killed by Long Beach California police as he sat on a stoop at a friends apartment after they mistook the pistol grip water hose he was holding for a gun. The district Attorney cleared the cops of any wrong doing. However, officers Jeffrey Shurtleff and Victor Ortiz were found guilty of violating Zerby's civil rights and the family was awarded $6.5 million in damages.

April 4, 2009: Florida neighborhood watchman Roderick Scott, who is black believed he saw 3 teenagers breaking into his neighbors’ cars. Scott grabbed a handgun, for which he had a legal permit, went to the end of his driveway and ordered the teenagers to remain where they were until police arrived. Allegedly unarmed 17 year old Christopher Cervini allegedly advanced towards Scott in anger. Scott shot at Cervini with 2 bullets finding their mark. Cervini died and Scott was charged with manslaughter. 7 months later a jury found Roderick Scott not guilty.

August 2006 Daniel Cicciaro, 17 was shot and killed in the driveway of John Harris White. A group White teenagers were feuding with John White’s 19-year-old son when they went by the carload to their home. White was convicted of manslaughter for shooting Cicciaro in his driveway after claiming the teen rushed toward him. Ciccaro was struck point blank in the face. White was convicted and served only 5 months of a 2 year sentence. His sentence was commuted by then Governor David Patterson. White was released in 2010. Cicciaro was Unarmed.

This is not intended to justify a killing of a black by pointing to that of a white. However, it is intended to expose how much damage our dishonest and myopic mainstream media is doing to our country. The average American knows the names of Eric Garner and Mike Brown but not Robert Redus or Gil Collar. This has helped to create a pernicious and perpetual state of victimization amongst blacks. The media and their bedfellows in the civil rights establishment would have it no other way. Black victimization keeps many people employed and gets many others elected. These stories also douse cold water on the false and self deprecating narrative of "white privilege" being pushed on thousands of white college students by their left wing professors. These same academics publish studies which suggest that white police tend to view black men as more dangerous and therefore are more likely to use deadly force.

The truth is, some shooting incidents may indeed be unjustified, some justifiable and others questionable. The left and their media partners have an irresistible predilection to frame every single incident whereby a black is killed by a white police officer as racist-call it racial Tourette's syndrome. There is no war on black men in America as the left would like us to believe. Given the fact that well over 9,000 black men have been murdered since 2013 overwhelmingly by other blacks, the chants of "Black lives matter" should be directed at blacks instead of the police.


JayUVA said…
Good points, mate. Police do shoot many unarmed white people but I submit the reason for the rare public protest is that white Americans have a high collective tolerance for govt-authorised violence/killing. Plenty of white Americans have an authoritarian mindset, especially in re: "law and order" - from the basic "people would not get shot if they would just obey the police" chorus to the extremists who condone "street justice", "heck,he ran, deserved to be beaten into a coma!", etc. One thing for certain: There should be a federal law that requires each and every state, city and county police agency to report to the DoJ the number of officer-involved woundings and killings. Presumably the reason reporting has always been voluntary is because the justice dept executives and police executives have long been aware that Americans would be alarmed at the high number of people killed each year by American cops. Cheers.
I appreciate your comments. Thanks for reading.
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Unknown said…
The real point, is if u feel those shootings were unjustifiable, then u to should be appalled, call a press conference, get it in the media, don't blame the media and African-Americans or BLM for not being quiet. You r directing your frustration n the wrong place, put the blame where blame goes, blame the justice system, the police,judge,DA and grand juries. No one's life should b taken at the hands of trigger happy cops taken the law into Their own hands, for minor offenses, while Unarmed and non threatening just be can they ran or resisted. NO One. So u should try to understand how minorities feel, if u have a cause fight for it. Too many times we are hearing, they were thugs and they got what they deserved. Not true, NO one deserves that.
Unknown said…
And for the end of your article, black on black crime is no exception or excuse either as there is also white on white crime and mass shootings, I won't get into that now. Point is those criminals will hopefully b caught and serve time, still doesn't excuse the cops of taking the laws into their hands.
Well again the point of the article is to point out how people live through their televisions. Also the fact that someone is Unarmed doesn't mean they are not dangerous. Nor does it mean that the shootings are necessarily unjustified.and you if you think the levels of crime are the same for all groups then I don't know what to say to you. I guess that's why government gives out vouchers so black folks can move into white neighborhoods. For better schools and quality of life. 3400 murders in Chicago alone since 2008. Name an equivalent city that's non black? Name a city that is equivalent city to Detroit, Gary, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Orleans, St, Louis, etc? I'll wait..

And it makes no sense to me that we scream at other that "black lives matter" when we don't believe it ourselves.
yodajazz said…
The government gives vouchers to make up for past injustice. Black were specifically denied access to communities that were built after WWII. And those in White communities received lower interest rates. The lower rates meant that more money could be circulated in their community vs. going to lenders etc. Another thing about the higher interest rates, is that the lower rates, give the owners more disposable income to keep their homes up. But I see that you know finance. Most people seem to think that, that allowing everyone access to things, makes up for past denials. But most places still have preferential systems in place. Take universities, for example. They still have preferential systems in place, such as children of former graduates, or recommendations of former graduates. So that means the people that got in through a closed system still have an advantage. So affirmative action simply addresses past injustices, which are in fact still happening.
Of course there past injustices. However I would argue the remedies were worse than the injustices-at least in terms of the effects. In spite of the injustices we still managed to get married at a much higher rate. We still had some stigmas and shame attached to negative behavior.

And the point of this article to point out how the media is driving this. Again we continue to speak about evils of whites while we move closer to them to get away from other black folks. That was my point regarding government policy.Thank you for your feedback.
B.A. D'Negro said…
Wow, 16 cases in what an almost 10yr span! I would take an educated guess and say that, at minimum, on a YEARLY basis from 2006 til today that THAT number, as far as Black People being unarmed and murdered by WHITE police and WHITE citizens, has been exceeded GREATLY!!! No one Black EVER said this NEVER happens to whites, hispanics or asians. We just KNOW its not even a close proximity with the FREQUENCY/the rate of these occurances! Black Men are being HUNTED DOWN like animals on a daily basis by people who are FREE to KILL at WILL!!!
B.A. I hope you are smart enough to know that this isn't an exhaustive list? However many stories I posted I'm certain that you didn't know any of them. Which is the point of this article.
Jaime Andres said…
You should revisit this blog and edit it to include Michael Arnold and Daniel Shaver.
Unknown said…
Please write President Trump on down and ask ALL of your legislators to support Congressman Justin Amash's bill to end police immunity.

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