Is Black America Ready for a Black President? Not

Ever since Barack Obama emerged as the front runner for the Democratic nomination for President, the question that has been asked repeatedly? Is Black America ready for a black president? The answer in my opinion is a resounding no!

 Blacks have achieved virtually everything possible in America and have reached just about every political aspiration except for president. In terms of readiness, we would have to be able to accept the scathing criticism that will no doubt come to a President Obama as it does to every president. If one were to take into consideration the unhinging of blacks whenever St. Barack is questioned gives me great pause. For many years Black conservatives have been subjected to being called sellout, uncle Tom and the like whenever our opinions stray from the liberal lockstep. During this very heated Democratic primary typically, loved Lefties like Tavis Smily and the former honorary Black Royals the Clintons have been thrown under the proverbial bus because they dare to question the "Pope of Hope". Smiley has even been the recipient of hate emails implying that he's "jealous"of Obama.

I can just imagine if a President Obama experiences just a fraction of the delusional hatred that this President is subject to on a daily basis. Black Americans would be looking to grow Afros and pull out our Public Enemy fight the power Cd's. If it seems like I'm over the top, just recall the OJ Simpson trial. Some of the most radical among us circled the wagons, screamed racism, police frame-up, and got into shouting matches with anyone who suggested that the Juice was guilty. Just consider this: If the arrest and trial of a despicable character like OJ can cause a flair up in black victimization, does one honestly think that we can take an all out media assault on a Black President?

Take the story that emerged out of a Philadelphia hospital: whereby the Hilary and Obama factions were about to go Jerry Springer on one another until the administrators intervened and banned political discussions. This is no doubt just a precursor of what will happen with an Obama Presidency. There will be debates and heated arguments in the workplace,those who were once friends will become distant and whites out of the usual fear of being called racist won't dare to speak openly with criticism. If the race and victim cards are pulled out whenever the OJ's, Mike Tyson's and Michael Vicks of the world shoot themselves in the foot, I really don't want to see what happens to us when an Obama administration has its inevitable first scandal.


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