Robbing Paul to pay Paul

It is expected that during an election season to hear a certain amount of political pandering. This election season has been particularly egregious. It was deja vu all over again this year with the democrats annual pander fest. Usually at the height of the driving season when gas prices are squeezing the life out of our wallets, congress in order to justify their paychecks parade oil executives in front of the television cameras and grill them on how much they're paid.

Don't you just love that? millionaires chastising other millionaires on how rich they are. The most amusing example was a statement by one of the richest women in the senate Barbara Boxer. Senator Boxer, Democrat of California, said, "Working people struggle with high gas prices, and your sacrifice, gentlemen, appears to be nothing." She noted that the executives were making millions of dollars in salaries, bonuses and stock awards. What I find to be most Orwellian is the fact that Senator Boxer put her assets in a blind trust in 2001 after being criticized for owning stock in oil companies she accused of manipulating the market and overcharging consumers during the California energy crisis . Then there's this very dangerous, socialist, Hugo Chavez like rhetoric coming from some very prominent democrats. In particular the Sonny and Cher of populism Barack and Nancy Pelosi. The relentless chants of windfall profits taxes on oil companies.

I can't help by shake my head at the mindless cheering from Obamaniacs whenever St. Barack sings this tired song. The really pathetic side of this Jedi mind trick is that his subjects aren't aware of the fact that they along with millions of other working class Americans own those very same companies. According to a recent study of US oil and Gas ownership 55 million American households with a median income of less than $75,000 own natural gas and energy stocks through their mutual funds, pension funds and other retirement accounts. Obama says that this tax would go towards "helping Americans with rising energy cost". This is sort of like someone borrowing 50 bucks from you and then using half of it to by you a gift. I fully acknowledge that something does not have to make sense in order to be effective-especially in the world of politricks.

If I could just get five minutes alone with the Hope Pope or San Fran Nancy Pelosi, I would ask them how it feels to belong to a party that has to vilify capitalism and demonize the rich in order to get votes? I firmly believe that the democrats are lying when they speak about financial literacy. If they eliminate financial illiteracy, whose going to vote for them?


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