Can McCain come home again?

To say that John McCain is not my first choice would be the understatement of the month. I am supporting him largely on his foreign policy ideas- I think that he "gets it". McCain fully understands the stakes in Iraq and the war against Islamic terror. However, I am reminded how McCain went through great lengths to show Democrats how conservative he wasn't. He now has spent the greater part of the past year trying to convince the base how conservative he is.

Unfortunately for him, he may have worn out his welcome with many grassroots conservatives. The McCain- Feingold campaign finance bill, his initial opposition to the Bush tax cuts, and his association with the so called "gang of 14" are just a few incidents where conservatives have beefs with him. His support of amnesty for illegals has earned him the nickname "Juan" McCain.

The Saddleback church conference with Reverend Rick Warren this past weekend has re-gained him favor with some of the base. McCain was direct and concise with his answers as opposed to Obama who was stuttering and stammering as if asked about his wife's favorite perfume on the Newlywed game. The only question I have is will McCain if elected once again turn his back on his party's values and wear his moderate button? I'm always skeptical of those who claim moderate political status-It is their way if saying "I'm a little more rational that those other guys".

In recent years McCain has never trumpeted his conservative values so loud and proud. When amongst democrats like Russ Feingold, Ben Nelson and Mark Pryor he ran from conservative principles faster than Jamaican Olympian Usain Bolt. In November we'll know if his take me back cries are lost on voters. There is a very large percentage of conservative voters who are so irate over spending and the failure to secure our borders that they have sworn off of voting for McCain or any Republican for that matter. I feel their pain, however do they really believe that handing our entire government over to liberals will achieve those objectives? McCain is that neighbor that annoys you sometimes, but if there was someone that came on your block to beat him up, you'd put up your dukes and rush to his aid.

Well, the Republicans certainly caught a beatdown in the last midterms so if there is a time to rumble it's now. I will remind those who are ruled by anger with their party enough to wave the white flag and concede our country to liberals. Do you really want to see Ludacris performing at the White House?


Unknown said…
While the thought of the government being run by Nancy, Harry, and Barak sends chills down my spine I do not think functionally it will be that different under JUAN McCain.

My hope is that just as Jimmy Carter lead to Ronald Reagan Barak will lead us to a new truly Conservative leader that will usher in another 25 years of hope growth and opportunity.

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