McCain's Northern Exposure

You have to give it to McCain's team. They were down and out a year ago and strapped for cash that the straight talk express was grinding to a screeching halt- Now, its seems its running full steam ahead. Team McCain this morning confirmed it selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate.

Palin 44, is a strong fiscal and cultural conservative, mother of five and very pro life. She's also strong on gun rights and will no doubt be a favorite of the NRA. A first term governor, elected in 2006 Palin currently enjoys an 80% approval rating. She's already injected a shot of adrenaline in to the lethargic conservative base and will no doubt give McCain a foothold on some of the still disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters. This rounds out the entire 2008 presidential race as a historic one, with Palin trying to become the first woman vice president in history.

I have no doubt that Palin is more valuable to the McCain ticket than Biden is to Obama. I'll keep a close eye on the polls to see the much expected bounce McCain gets. I am sure the Hope Pope and his worshipers will lose some of their overconfidence and Swagger-they have been already lining up Ludacris for the inauguration party. By all accounts Palin is one tough lady who will attract a substantial number of woman voters. I wonder if Obama is trying to pull Hillary out from under that Bus?


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