Obama-maniacs and their coming crash

Barack Obama took his Gush-fest tour on the road last week, playing stops in Europe and the Middle east. In Germany, Obama entertained a crowd that rivaled Michael Jackson during the Thriller years. I did use the word entertained intentionally since his speech wasn't much more than that.The excitement behind this guy really perplexes me- I just don't get the hype.

I am, however truly concerned about his worshipers. Yes, I said worshipers since the term "supporters" just doesn't describe them accurately. The Obama hysteria is reaching an all out fever pitch and will hit downright beatle-mania if he wins the election in November. If he wins or loses it will no doubt end badly for his fans-particularly blacks who see him as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali all rolled up into one. If he loses in November there will be a collective emotional crash much bigger than the New England Patriots experienced this year in the Superbowl.

If Obama wins, eventually there will be a huge letdown when the reality sets in that he is not the world changing, transcendent, messianic figure they have made him out to be. When his supporters see that their neighborhoods are still overrun with crime and the students in their children's schools are unteachable, the hangover will set in. Once they realize he is nothing more than a typical warmed over politician in a new suit, they will sink back into a much lower left wing, America hating consciousness. They will never again trust the next person that knocks on their door and tries to convince them to vote. The typical Barack sycophant sees him as a chance to finally have their dream government. One that will reign down financial rewards, great paying jobs and help them with everyday challenges and most importantly end racism.

I find Obama to be most naive in the area of foreign policy. His world view is that of a freshman at berkely: If we're nice to the world the world will be nice to us. Imagine there's no country, Imagine all the people living life in peace, yoo hoo! Ok, I promise no more Beatles references.

Once Obama breaks one of his cornerstone promises of ending the war in Iraq, his fans at NBC and ABC will turn on him faster than the Packers on Brett Farve. To quote an article by British columnist David Aaronovitch, Like all American presidents since Eisenhower: Eventually, we'll all hate Obama too.


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