Chris Rock: Minister of X-Rated Culture

I just sat through an embarrassing one hour comedy special by Chris Rock. The special consisted of three performances from three different continents: Johannesburg South Africa, London and New York. Rock, a favorite of the left,touched on a few hot button topics like politics and sex. The latter took up a great deal of his routine. I had serious thoughts of throwing my television out the window. This week on Larry King, Rock said that we should "vote for the guy with one house". If wealth is his criteria, by his own brilliant logic he would have voted for Bush-Cheney in 2000 and 2001-they have far less wealth than Kerry-Edwards combined.

You have an American, standing in front of thousands in a country which less than twenty years ago had its black population living in virtual slavery, slamming my president who is five times more decent than just about every leader they have ever had. Not to mention the self righteous British who through colonialism and imperialist ambition caused many of the worlds messes decades ago-I guess they have short memories. The irony is Rocks profanity laced, oral sex filled monologue coupled with Bush bashing was supposed to make up for our poor image abroad caused by Bush. That's what we need: more Americans to go abroad to talk about the female genitalia and drop the F- bomb 75 times-that should improve our image all right.

No leftist entertainer can sleep at night less they bash George W. Bush in front of foreigners and Rock didn't disappoint. The reason is that liberals want to be loved by the world and the easiest way to garner adulation from the global left is to bash Bush. Do you ever hear any Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Ill bashing? I don't think Rock found it in his interest to entertain his South African friends to any slams about their brutal neighbor Robert Mugabe of Uganda. It seems that the only evil in the free and "un-free" world is Bush-go figure. It does not take a great deal of courage to call Bush a tyrant while in Venezuela or South Africa. Hollywood squares like Oliver Stone and Sean Penn are madly in love with real dictators like Castro and Chavez. Men who jail dissidents, close down television stations and seize private property. The left doesn't hate despots, they hate the people that stand up against them.


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