Oh, Canada! Do you Hate Palin too?

The following is an excerpt from a column by Heather Mallick of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

'Mallick's column -- "A mighty wind blows through Republican convention" -- advances two theses: (1) That John McCain's selection of 44-year-old Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his VP nominee was a crass gesture meant to appease the party's "rural," "unlettered" "white trash" base; and (2) that Palin herself is a tacky, badly dressed redneck who looks like a "porn actress."
Then comes the coup de grace -- Mallick's assault on Palin's family: "[17-year-old] Bristol has what is known in Britain as the look of the teen mum, the 'pramface.' Husband Todd looks like a roughneck; Track, heading off to Iraq, appears terrified. They claim to be family-obsessed while being studiously terrible at parenting. What normal father would want Levi 'I'm a f--kin' redneck' Johnson prodding his daughter" .

Dear Ms. Mallick

I am responding to your nasty, personal, quite frankly ignorant comments about our Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. To further add insult, you attacked the Palin family.

Ms. Mallick, if Sarah Palin is only a "redneck" as you stated in your column then what is your excuse for not being nearly as accomplished? I am proud to live in a country where a so called "redneck" from Alaska can rise to a higher level than a elitist journalist from Canada.

You also stated that she looks like a "porn actress? Do you hate Mrs. Palin because she's attractive? The fact you equate physical attractiveness with pornography is very revealing- not to mention sad. There must be someone at the CBC who is capable of coherent or thoughtful writing. Your profanity laced article was not particularly insightful or even professional for that matter. I am certain that a better one could have been written by any High School student in Canada.

The Conservative Sage
Cleveland Ohio USA


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