Community Organized Crime

Suddenly the nondescript profession of "community organizer" has a PR problem. The offices of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, (essentially a bunch of government funded angry liberals with clip boards) were raided by federal authorities seeking evidence of voter fraud. Its alleged that these moral giants are accused of submitting false voter registration forms with duplicate names. News came today that the investigation has widened to offices in five other states including Ohio and Missouri.

ACORN specializes in registering low income voters (i.e. Democrats). They require their employees to register 20 voters per day at the risk of not being paid-talk about voting for change. According to reports, ACORN canvassed soup kitchens and homeless shelters seeking voters. During previous elections, volunteers have loaded up their vehicles with the homeless and drove them to polling stations. This further confirms a deeply held belief of many years: It serves the Democrats interest to have an uninformed, disinformed and downtrodden base. In order for the dems to get voters, all it takes is a visit down to the local skid row in a minivan? Its been reported that Obama-who has done legal work for ACORN in the past- has funneled over $800,000 to this crime syndicate-and he talks about how he's going to fix Washington? No thanks, I'll take Washington the way it is if this is his idea of reform. I have longed believed that the democrats really don't want to improve our education system. The more educated and informed Americans become, the less emotional they are. When one becomes less emotional, the less likely they are to vote Democrat.


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