What's in a name? Now we know

There have been many Social science studies which have concluded names can be a factor in the success or failure of an individual. Particular interest has been paid to "urban" or "ethnic" names as more likely to result in stigmatization of those children to whom these names are given.

Some suggest that giving black children more common names like Jordan, Michael or Sharon will make their chances for success a little easier. Currently, we have the three most prominent blacks in the world who are named Oprah, Condoleezza and Barack. One is a billionaire, one Secretary of State and the other the next leader of the free world. Does this mean we can now shut up about the importance of names?


Karyn Beach said…
Every time I see that Boniva commercial with Sally Field, the one for osteoporosis, I know that all across the United States, there are a few baby girls with that pharamceutically-inspired, moniker.

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