Radical Islam for Dummies

You have to give it to the Iranians. They're insane but at least they're consistent. The Mullahs with a straight face repeatedly tell the UN that their nuclear weapons program is for "peaceful" means. Brian Williams wasted jet fuel flying over to Tehran to ask Ahmadenejad cotton ball questions like "Is your message to the world a message of confrontation or cooperation? What do you think Ammadwackjob's response was? Brian should have asked him what does an oil producing nation need with nuclear power?

Yes, of coarse he wants cooperation, it's Bush and the great Satan that wants confrontation Brian? I am confounded by the the pure ignorance of the left with regard to the mindset of Muslim countries. They care nothing about ipods, SUV's and big homes. The radical strain of Islam-which In my opinion accounts for 25% of the Muslim population- wants to return to the Caliphate. A Caliphate, in short is a united Muslim state controlled by a leader called the Caliph. Muslim Dynasties maintained a Caliphate from the time of Muhammad until the 1924. The Caliphate according to Muslim scholars is considered the golden era of Islam for which they have been waging a little thing called a jihad to re-establish. Cornered by Spanish authorities in an apartment building, the terrorist responsible for the Madrid train bombings in 2004 left a very revealing letter before blowing themselves up. The letter stated that one day there would be a return to Andalusia, a region in Southern Spain that was conquered by the Muslim Caliphate in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries.

I have some very disappointing news for the left: This battle with the west began long before George W. Bush. The Muslim Barber pirates were hijacking American ships during Thomas Jefferson's administration. They expressed they had the right to do this to infidels. Quite simply, the bombings, and Hijackings over the years are but means to an end; which is to drive the west out of the middle east, drive Israel into the sea and topple the heretic governments (see: Saudi Arabia) in the region and re-establish the Caliphate. So you see, even Obama and all his goodness cannot negotiate and end to this age old conflict. Jihad will continue until that have achieved their objective: Islamic dominance from Turkey to the Philippines an from Afghanistan to Indonesia.

In America and Canada you can find churches, synagouges, Mosque and Temples.Please look around and notice that Islam does not coexist with other religions in Muslim nations. As a minority religion, you're either subjugated or driven out. Are you listening Europe?


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