Remember When They Used to Love Us?
I have admittedly become nauseated at the left's constant obsession with our image in the world. Their delusions have convinced them that once upon a time America was loved by the world until oafishly evil George Bush and Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney ruined it. Our image in the world is shattered and the election of Barack Obama will restore that lost love. What a load of Poppycock. Thanks to the Bush administration, this decade has been the safest one for America and its interest in three decades. There is a great deal of false optimism that Obama can "restore our image in the world" which a favorite left wing fantasy. Lets take a walk down memory lane shall we? 1979 November 4th ,Radical Iranian students seized the American Embassy in and captured 52 US hostages holding them for 444 days. During the crisis thousands gathered in the streets chanting "death to America". 1983 October 23Beirut 241 Marines, part of international peacekeeping forces duri...