
Showing posts from January, 2009

Remember When They Used to Love Us?

I have admittedly become nauseated at the left's constant obsession with our image in the world. Their delusions have convinced them that once upon a time America was loved by the world until oafishly evil George Bush and Dick "Darth Vader" Cheney ruined it. Our image in the world is shattered and the election of Barack Obama will restore that lost love. What a load of Poppycock. Thanks to the Bush administration, this decade has been the safest one for America and its interest in three decades. There is a great deal of false optimism that Obama can "restore our image in the world" which a favorite left wing fantasy. Lets take a walk down memory lane shall we? 1979 November 4th ,Radical Iranian students seized the American Embassy in and captured 52 US hostages holding them for 444 days. During the crisis thousands gathered in the streets chanting "death to America". 1983 October 23Beirut 241 Marines, part of international peacekeeping forces duri...

The Looming Crisis?

O n February 26,1993 a little over a month into the Clinton Presidency a car bomb exploded in the parking garage of the world trade center killing 6. Islamic terrorist were found responsible. On September 11, 2001, 8 months into the George W. Bush Presidency terrorist hijacked four planes, flying three of them into the World Trade Center's north and South Towers and the Pentagon Killing 3000. Once again Islamic terrorist- Al Qaeda- claims responsibility. On January 20th, 2009 our 44th president will be sworn in. Will America again be the target of an attack from Islamic terrorist? Let us pray.

SEC Misses Again

The good news is disgraced investor Bernie Madoff's $50 billion dollar Ponzi scheme was noticed back in 1999 by an astute financial expert-the bad news is he wasn't from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Massachusetts investor Harry Markopolos in a written report to the SEC in 2005 stated "It's highly likely that Madoff Securities is the world's largest Ponzi scheme ." In the report , he says he knew his research could ruin people's careers and asked the SEC be discreet about circulating the report and his name. The report highlighted 29 red flags about Madoff's business, however this report went ignored by the SEC, and they continued to ignore Markopolos ' warnings over the next decade. Markopolos became suspicious of Madoff consistent 12% returns in both up and down markets. Madoff's reportedly employed a common investment strategy involving buying stocks of major companies, then hedging those investments by buying options c...

Hamas' and the Hornets Nest

After Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2006, many Israeli's were not jumping up and down at the thought of a lasting peace. Those who opposed the pullout and believed that Hamas would use Gaza as a launching pad for Rocket attacks were proven correct- that was 6,000 rockets ago. For the past several days Israel has bombarded Gaza and Hamas targets with air strikes in order the end the rocket attacks. As you would expect, thousands of Muslims and Palestinian supporters have taken to the streets around the world demanding an end to "Israeli aggression". The UN is once again attempting to negotiate a cease fire which will only benefit Hamas . I ask the question where were the UN or the Hamas groupies when those 6,000 rockets were being slamming into Israeli towns? Why is there never any mention by the left of the attacks on Israeli civilians? They only mention Palestinians. It is certainly tragic to see the footage of small Palestinian children injured in air strikes, which ...