Hamas' and the Hornets Nest

After Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2006, many Israeli's were not jumping up and down at the thought of a lasting peace. Those who opposed the pullout and believed that Hamas would use Gaza as a launching pad for Rocket attacks were proven correct- that was 6,000 rockets ago. For the past several days Israel has bombarded Gaza and Hamas targets with air strikes in order the end the rocket attacks. As you would expect, thousands of Muslims and Palestinian supporters have taken to the streets around the world demanding an end to "Israeli aggression". The UN is once again attempting to negotiate a cease fire which will only benefit Hamas. I ask the question where were the UN or the Hamas groupies when those 6,000 rockets were being slamming into Israeli towns? Why is there never any mention by the left of the attacks on Israeli civilians? They only mention Palestinians. It is certainly tragic to see the footage of small Palestinian children injured in air strikes, which certainly plays into the propaganda of Hamas. However, the blame lies at the feet of those who elected stone cold killers to control the Palestinian authority. They have chosen a course that could lead to their destruction.

The Hamas charter clearly states their intentions to "obliterate" Israel and "kill jews". It also states that they consider negotiations to be a "waste of time". The naive world community continues to lie to themselves by believing that peace is possible in spite of Hamas' and Hezbollah's very clear positions. For those who have a severe case of moral equivalence (i.e. the left) please keep in mind with whom Israel is fighting: They are fighting an evil cult of death who admits they want to die more than Israeli's want to live. A group that has just over the Christmas holiday made Crucifixion legal? You remember, that little nailing to the cross thing that Jesus was forced to endure? In order for there to be lasting peace in the middle east, Hezbollah and Hamas must be sent to that big terrorist training camp in the Sky. However for that to happen, their sugar daddies in Iran must also be vanquished.


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