Talk Like an Egyptian

President Barack Obama delivered his highly anticipated speech in Cairo today. The President touched on several issues that he feels have caused deep divisions between Islam and the West. I must say that as someone who thinks his speeches are grossly overrated, I was somewhat surprised in that this speech contained a little more substance than usual. Of course, it consisted of the routine pandering and empty slogans about common ground. However I credit him for his straight talk to the Palestinians about renouncing violence. I did have a few problems with the speech which goes to the heart of my core criticisms of the president. In typical Obama fashion he engaged in duplicity. He greeted the audience in Arabic, his speech was littered with references to his Islamic roots, and his Christianity- things he shied away from during the campaign. Why is the President so comfortable with speaking about god and his religion while abroad but not here at home in America?

I find it disturbing that our government continues to remind Muslims that America isn't at war with Islam. It would have certainly have been an opportune time to remind Muslims that it has appeared for decades that Islam is at war with the west. The President could have also reminded the Arab and Muslim world how Americans have shed more blood for their liberation than any other country; In Bosnia, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. It is often stated Muslims by and large do not endorse terror; however did anyone note the deafening silence when The President called on the Palestinians to "abandon violence? You can contrast that with the thunderous applause Obama received when he stated his opposition to Israeli settlements. The naivete of this President to think that an ideology that has waged war on Western Civilization for a thousand years will be affected by his kind words is astonishing. Open your eyes Mr. President and understand that Muslims are fighting against Jews, Christians, Hindus and or other Muslims in over a dozen countries-none of those groups are fighting against one another. Its very dangerous to not be at war with someone who is at war with you.


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