Artificial Intelligence

I what may prove to be a deathblow to the relationship between the White House and the CIA, Attorney General Eric Holder has appointed a special prosecutor to investigate alleged abuses against terrorist suspects during the Bush administration. The blow back from this ill advised enquiry could be catastrophic to not only the country but to Obama's re-election hopes. Contrary to what many conspiracy theorist believe, The need to assassinate political figures with guns in America is no longer necessary- The media can do a much cleaner job. A few untimely leaks to a few well placed sources will do the trick.

As you would expect, this news wasn't well received over at the agency. To make sure they were completely neutered, team Obama diminished the agency's role in conducting interrogations and turned that job over their bitter rivals at the FBI-which is like Brett Favre leaving the Packers to play in Minnesota. Just like his attempts to close Guantanamo prison, this is purely for world consumption-Obama has to always appear to engaged in the George Bush repair program. The moral at the agency is at an all-time low and will most certainly affect our ability to gather useful intelligence.

This administration is continuing a pattern of dangerous naivete'. They continue to hamper the war on terror with silly word games ( such as substituting war on terror with "overseas contingency plans". And now they are all but eliminating any type of enhanced interrogation techniques which according the agency have gleaned useful intelligence. Maybe we can torture them with David Hasselhoff's music? Or how about forcing them to watch The View? Its clear that the Obama afterglow has dissipated and the American public by and large sees him for what he is: A far left softy who falsely believes that if we are nice to our enemies, they will be nice to us.


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