Not Crazy For Fox

Dear Mr. Olbermann

I have watched your show/network a few times over the past couple of months and It is evident as to why you're a perennial ratings loser. Approximately 50% of your coverage is spent either attacking Fox news or insulting the intelligence of Sarah Palin, George Bush, Glenn Beck and other conservatives/ Republicans. It is not difficult to figure out that one source of your bitterness is the fact that Fox news consistently kicks your far left behind every single night in the ratings. Perhaps if you spent a little more time on actual substance, you could one day climb out of the ratings basement. The obsessive attacks on your competitors points of view is all the more ridiculous when one realizes that Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and your own show are just as left leaning as Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck are right leaning.

You also might want to try another novel concept, its called debate. Nothing is more boring than to listen to the same tired left wing commentators every night who are allowed to go unchallenged. There are more liberal voices on Fox News than CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC combined!

And lastly, tone down the foaming at the mouth commentaries. I'm sure its causing some of your viewers pets to seek safety under the bed. During your recent rant about alleged racism and Joe Wilson, I felt that at any moment you were going to jump through the television and chew the remote right out of my hand. So I hope you take these words of wisdom from your friend on the right. Just maybe one day you and your network will no longer be viewed as the Detroit Lions of cable news. I really believe Mr. Olbermann that the primary reason for your vile hatred of Fox News is that you wish you were on it.


The Conservative Sage
Cleveland, Ohio


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