The Politics of Disrespect

I am beginning to think that one of the side effects of Obamania is memory loss. The firestorm that has erupted after Congressman Joe Wilson's outburst during President Obama's Health care address to a joint session of congress. The disputed point made by Obama that seemed to spark Wilson's Ire was the issue of weather or not illegal immigrants would be covered by the public option under Obama's heath care plan. The President says they would not in which Wilson responded with " you Lie"! The actual truth is somewhere in the middle. While illegal aliens would be able to purchase any health insurance run by the Government, they won't be subsidized by the feds to do so. On the other hand, I don't know how in the world Obama thinks the Government will enforce it.This same Government has not been able to prevent prison inmates from receiving stimulus money. The Republicans introduced a bill that would require anyone seeking insurance under any government plan to prove citizenship and the Democrats voted it down.

While I believe the outburst was disrespectful to the President of the United States, the reaction to it as always is political. The liberal outrage about the disrespect to the "office of the presidency" is largely centered on the fact that the president who was disrespected is one that they like. Does one honestly think that these same liberal loons cared that George W. was continuously disrespected during his presidency? The office of the Presidency should be respected regardless of weather you like the individual that occupies it. However, the left is incapable of understanding this concept-unless again the venom is directed at their Messiah. How many of these charlatans on the left we outraged at the Shoe throwing incident? Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, himself called W. a liar. The respect of the office of the Presidency has been eroded over the past 20 years-Bill Clinton put a huge nail in that coffin with the help of an intern a Cuban cigar.


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