We Are The World

The sad news about this weeks developments at the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh- besides the quintessential moronic protesters and vandals- is it has given conspiracy theorist everything they had hoped for. The so called G- 20 nations, made up of the wealthiest nations in the world agreed to form a sort of economic alliance whereby each nation will be subject to "peer" reviews allowing each nation to have a say in how the others run their economy. Also, there was an agreement struck to reign in the pay of bankers. So, the United Stated has entered an agreement to allow the Chinese to have input into our economy?

The leaders allege that this co-operative will help to prevent further economic meltdowns. The conspiracy theorist say that this is the emergence of the new world order that they have been predicting for the past 30 years. I have felt from the beginning that Barack Obama is a globalist, who at his core longs to be loved by and in lockstep with the "world community"- American sovereignty is an afterthought. His speeches are littered with references to the "international community" or the United Nations and almost none to the United States or its interest. George W. Bush and and even Bill Clinton when necessary shunned the United Nations when they felt it necessary if America's interest were at stake. Besides its humanitarian programs, the UN is a worthless organization that has done very little to end genocide or tyranny since its inception.

Where was the UN in Rwanda? Sierra Leone? or Bosnia for that matter? It was the United States that liberated the Philippines on two separate occasions. The US has also saved South Korea, Europe, and millions of Muslims from slaughter in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia. Our military continues to prevent the Kim Jong Ills and Hugo Chavez's of the world from expanding their oppressive agendas while the UN and some members of the G-20 stand by and do nothing. Americans have shed more blood for other nations than any other. Making such a statement is beneath an elitist like our President whose left wing Harvard education has precluded him from making this observation. He believes-as he stated in his speech to the UN general assembly- that no nation is above another. President Obamas goal is to make the United States no more exceptional or powerful in the world than Denmark. This week we have taken a giant step in that direction.


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