How To Destroy The World

American foreign policy is much maligned by the left. They think that American by and large is a force for evil and not for good. They believe that if only the so called American Military industrial complex would be reigned in, the world would be a better place. Well I say lets give the left what it wants. Lets do what Ron Paul and other Libertarians want: a total non- interventionist foreign policy. I offer you ten ways to destroy the world.

1. Pull troops out of The DMZ in Korea. This would be a delight for Kim Jong Ill. He would be free to scare the pants off of the South Koreans which could possibly put an end to the cease fire.

2.Pull troops out of Japan. This would leave Japan with virtually no protection against the pending N. Korean aggression. Also, China would be free to expand its sphere of influence.

3. Withdraw support for Taiwan. Tear up the protection agreement with Taiwan. Then stand by and watch them be gobbled up by China like a tic tac. It is no secret that China wants to reunite Taiwan and considers it a rouge province. This would be a gift that keeps on giving.

4. Withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq. The Taliban and al qaeda would have its crib back and finish the job in Pakistan-potentially toppling the nuclear state. After that, then god help us all.

5. Permanently end military aid to Israel. Leaving our only true friend in the region alone in a hostile neighborhood full of despot regimes hell bent on destroying it. I'd give the Iran backed Hezbollah about ninety days before its launches another cross border provocation into Israel- promoting round two of their 2006 skirmish.

6. Bring Troops home from the Balkans. Then we can see the region explode into another civil war, and watch a refugee crisis as millions flood into neighboring countries

7. End financial and military aid to Columbia. Why not remove the last thorn in the rear of FARC much the delight of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez who is major benefactor of the Narco- terrorist.

8. Withdraw military support from the Philippines. Bailing on The Philippine government would even the odds in its twenty year battle with Islamic thugs Abu Sayef who seek to over throw governments throughout south Asia and usher in an Islamic state.

9. Withdraw from NATO. A NATO without the United States is like the Cleveland Cavaliers without Lebron James. The Europeans would have to make due without our military industrial war machine- and pray that another crazed dictator doesn't pimp slap them ala the 1930's.

10. Restore economic and diplomatic ties with Iran. What better way to prove to Iran that we are officially cream puffs. While our president was around the world apologizing, he should have demanded an apology from Iran for the hostage crisis.


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