Who Are The Real Enemies of Islam?

The latest incident of violence involving a Muslim will undoubtedly stoke a heated debate as well as a backlash. As I heard the earliest reports of the shooting, I distinctly remember the sinking feeling that he would have an Arabic name. As someone who has an Arabic name and was born Muslim, I find myself in a perpetual state of cringe.

As a child growing up in the inner city, the name Khalid was unheard of. People would often ask the origin, how its spelled, or if I was Muslim. I also endured my share of ridicule for not having a traditional. Names like Rayshawn, Darnell, Tyrone and Derek were considered normal. Then in the 1980's and 90's during the age of hip hop, rappers took upon Arabic names like "Rakim" and Queen "Latifah" in order to convey some sort of consciousness, or knowledge of self-whatever that means. As a result Arabic names became popular and names like Malik, Jabril, and Khalil were more common to the average American- this was helped considerably by the number of professional athletes who were either born or converted Muslims.

Then came 911 which forever changed the perception on Islam. My name in particular is shared by some of the worst people in the world-including the mastermind of 911, Khalid sheik Muhammad, and one of the actual hijackers Khalid al Midhar. So now when I mention my name to strangers there is a noticeably awkward familiarity. So I have become a casualty of the Islamic extremist revolution. My name is forever associated with some of the worst people on earth. My name is now featured in the title of books about terrorist leaders.

The tragedy is that the suicide bombers and the hijackers are completely oblivious to the sever damage they inflict on Islam with every evil act. The tragic irony is that terrorism stains Islam with the stigma of violence which makes life increasingly difficult for Muslims worldwide and repels people from the faith. Just think about how many will never embrace Islam because of negative perceptions? The insanity tells them that if they just blow up enough people, they will win and create the Islamic paradise they dream of-it ain't gonna happen guys. As a result of this madness, Muslims find themselves involved in conflicts worldwide with other religions: Hindus over Kashmir, Jews/Israelis in Gaza and the west bank, and of course Christians in Europe and the West. I doubt that anyone other than kooks are going to be attracted to the faith as represented by scenes of bloodied bodies from the wreckage of a hotel or a minivan that has just been blown to pieces. Unfortunately, that is exactly what's happening.


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