What Black America Can Learn From Massachusetts

The political world is abuzz with the stunning victory by Republican Scott Brown over his Democratic challenger Martha Coakley-a senate seat previously held by the late Ted Kennedy. There was no one who was more a political institution that Kennedy who served 46 years as senator of Massachusetts. The people of this staunchly liberal state decided enough was enough and elected Republican senator for the first time since 1972 and perhaps putting a death nail in Obamacare in the process. Since 1968, America's inner cities which are largely populated by blacks have not elected a Republican in decades. The left wing/liberal mindset is as ingrained in the black mind as deeply as their religion- and we know how difficult it is to change one's religion. Black America after forty years of Democratic/liberal rule which has not coincidentally produced dismal results. What are the chances that say, Chicago or Baltimore would elect a Republican mayor? Could the results be any worse than they have been for the past four decades? I don't think they could. I know it won't happen in my lifetime but I thought I would entertain myself.


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