The Stupid Game

More than a year ago, while participating in a panel discussion on the radio I asked the question: Can anyone name a liberal Democrat over the past twenty five years who has been labeled stupid? As the saying goes, the silence was deafening. The fact is that there isn't a single democrat that has been characterized as an idiot, buffoon or stupid-they have all been conservatives. Less one believes that this is a coincidence, then there is something rotten in mediaville. You can go back as far as Gerald Ford, who was relentlessly parodied as clumsy and bumbling by Chevy Chase and the Saturday Night Live crew at the time. Ford-who was an outstanding athlete in his day- made the mistake of falling down while coming off of Air Force one during a visit to Austria and has forever been portrayed by the comedic left as clumsy. Chase admitted in a 2008 interview that their lampooning of Ford was deliberate since he was "not their guy". The plethora of comedians who now moonlight as political commentators is staggering. Joy Behar,Bill Maher, John Stewart, Whoopie Goldberg-we even have one serving in congress. In 2008 former SNL alum Al Franken was elected senator from Minnesota. They serve a very important purpose: To keep the stupid Republican jokes coming.

Over the past 30 years, a long line of conservatives have had their intelligence debased. Ronald Reagan, Herbert Walker Bush, former VP Dan Quayle, W. Bush, and now Sarah Palin is the latest poster girl for Low IQ. The mainstream media is usually at the root of this public brainwashing. The very first description of Quayle that I ever heard was from a mainstream journalist who quipped: "He's good looking but not very smart". Quayle's fate as a mental lightweight was sealed when he incorrectly misspelled potato while speaking to school students. The set-up usually comes during the campaign when one of the mainstream media elites interviews a Republican candidate and gives them the "Stupid Quiz". In George Bush's case, he was given a pop quiz on various world leaders for which he did not do well. Sarah Palin was vaguely asked by ABC's Charlie Gibson did she agree with "the Bush Doctrine". CBS 'S Katie Couric asked Palin "what newspapers do you read? and 'what supreme court cases do you disagree with? Meanwhile John Kerry, Barack Obama, nor John Edwards received such a test when running for president.

Late night comedians play an even more important role with "stupid" jokes night after night. This is exacerbated when the inevitable verbal gaff comes for which all Presidents and public officials are and can be guilty of. W Bush's gaffs were put on you tube and circulated around the world. However, the mainstream media has all but ignored the numerous Obama's gaffs which keeps him and other liberals cloaked in intellectual brilliance. The public will remain spellbound by the false perceptions of 'Republican stupid' and 'Democrat smart' so long as we have a left wing media. How could explain the non coverage of Obama taking a teleprompter to a sixth grade class? Or his reference to have visited "over fifty seven States". Sarah Palin who is the pinata of stupid jokes by the entertainment left, was front page news on all the mainstream networks for writing a few words on her hand during an address at the tea party convention last week. Her qualifications for VP were mocked continuously in spite of the fact that Obama's resume is absent of executive experience of any kind.

Palin was mayor of Wasilla Alaska, were she cut property taxes by 75% and made infrastructure improvements which resulted in attracting big box stores and 50,000 shoppers per day to Wasilla. She eliminated personal property and business and inventory taxes, made improvements to roads and sewers. She also cut her own $68,000 salary by %10. While Governor she doubled state revenues to $10 billion in 2008. She also turned down a significant pay raise as Governor. Palin also decreased Alaska's dependence on Federal funding-true conservatism. Barack Obama on the other has never been responsible for a budget except his own personal one. He has never held an executive position and yet since he attended Harvard his qualifications were never questioned. I'm certain that Palin knows more than Obama about energy, she served as chair of Ethics on the Alaska Oil & Gas conservation commission and oversaw the $37 billion Alaska Permanent fund where state revenues derived from oil & gas are managed. It's the media that tells the masses who is stupid and who isn't which causes me to ask the question: who is really stupid?


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