Crunch Time For The Health Care Bill

I wish I could express some relief that the vote on the health care bill will be over this weekend. The vote only marks the beginning of a long battle that will have large numbers of political opponents at each others throats for years to come. In what is certainly a pivotal moment for national politics, this health care debate will have serious implications on the midterm elections in November. The Democrats are almost assured a beat down at the polls for their support for Obamacare. Their short lived "super majority" will be firmly in the rear view mirror after January 2011 which will leave President Obama naked for the remainder of his term. The president is in a very unfavorable position of being faced with failure no matter if the bill passes or not. If it passes, the backlash against him and the Democrats will be massive. The Attorney Generals of at least a half a dozen states have already promised lawsuits challenging the legislation's constitutionality. If the bill fails to pass, the cornerstone of his political agenda will crumble into dust-talk about picking your poison. There are many points of contention in the bill which gives just about everyone something to be ticked about. The administration loves to show how tough it is. I hope they are up to a long fight.


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