More Noose Nonesense

It seems that there is a severe common sense deficit in Black America, which is evidenced by our knee jerk reaction to the old hanging noose trick. Whenever some dimwit wants get the ire of black folks, he or she simply goes into their bag of gags and hangs a noose. Then, just like Pavlov's dog, The Neo- civil rights mafia comes out in force, staging protest, demanding investigations and giving these childish pranks far more attention than its worth. This reaction only paves the way for the next imbecile. The imbecile in this case is a yet to be identified University of California at San Diego female student who for unknown reasons hung a noose on a lamp in the student library.

When will people figure out that the over reaction to this silly attention grabbing stunt is exactly the the end goal? To get Blacks to over react. If some Neo Nazi wannabe or frat boy for that matter wants to piss blacks off or miss class, he just pulls out his noose and watches the fireworks. Even blacks have figured out this rouse. Donald Maynard, a black Baltimore firefighter, admitted he placed a noose along with a threatening note in the firehouse. Maynard admitted to“conducting a scheme meant to create the perception that members within our department were acting in a discriminatory and unprofessional manner.” So let me get this straight, he concocted a racist stunt in order to prove racism? Awesome! In 2006, members of a Neo-Nazi group marched through a predominantly Black Toledo, Ohio neighborhood in order to provoke a response and the residents didn't disappoint. After appearing for only fifteen minutes, the Hitler youth grabbed their Swastika's and high tailed it out of there. Leaving the locals to set fires, break windows, and attack police cruisers and ambulances. This was a huge victory for the racist since their intention is to show how "uncivilized" and intolerant we Negroes are by our violent reaction to a"peaceful protest"-mission accomplished.

The best way to handle these incidents? Keep your emotions in check. The whole point of a noose hanging is to invoke a reaction and to intimidate. Unfortunately, the protesters of these incidents would rather pump their fist and shout while the racist agitators sit back and admire their work.


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