Liberal Memory Lapse

I did something that usually brings on a great deal of nausea after I've done it- I watched an episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews. The level of none sense that spews from Matthews is endless so I won't go into his history. However, the comments I heard were in sane even for him. Speaking about Rush Limbaugh's reference to the Obama administration as a "regime". Matthews shocking said that "he had never heard language like this before in America". Apparently Matthews hasn't watched his own show or his network for that matter. On July 7, 2004, Ralph Nader -- appearing with Matthews on "Hardball" -- discussed how he would "take apart the Bush regime." Glen Beck upon hearing Matthews comments was able to dig up at least 16 references of a "Bush Regime" by the New York Times and 24 by the Washington Post. A search of the Lexus-Nexus database yields 6,769 references to the "Bush Regime". ran an Ad in 2004 which featured Bush-Hitler imagery. I was also rendered ill when hearing Maxine Waters talk about the "Vitriol" of the TEA partiers directed at President Obama. All one has to do is search online and you'll see Ms. Waters herself leading a code pink anti-war/anti Bush crowd with chants of "He's not a decider, he is a liar". Then there was the pictures of then Maryland senatorial candidate Michael Steele in black face, who also had Oreo cookies thrown at him during a campaign appearance which no member of the Congressional Black Caucus or the civil rights mafia spoke out against. Why? Because It's always acceptable to skewer black conservatives since they are traitors and uncle Toms.

After the health care vote, there were numerous death threats against members of congress who voted for the bill. These crazies were immediately linked to the Tea Party and the right, as all nuts are by the media. During his walk to the health care vote, senator John Lewis claimed he was called a nigger by an alleged Tea Partier in spite of the fact that half dozen television cameras failed to capture it. However, when Virginia Republican Eric Cantor's office was shot at, the claim was dismissed even though an actual bullet was found. The following week Cantor and his family received death threats. We sat through eight years of Bush derangement syndrome and not a word of condemnation from the left. Now that their savior is taking much deserved heat for his left wing policies, his supporters are claiming this its racist and unprecedented. It must be wonderful to be on the left where there is no hatred or anger and if there is you can simply pretend that it doesn't exist.


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