Duel In The Desert

The revolution is being televised! The new Mexican Illegal immigrant revolution that is. Turn on any of the major networks and you'll see for yourself. Tens of thousands of mostly illegal immigrants rioting, breaking windows and throwing bottles at police. The reason for the outrage? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed a controversial immigration bill which makes it a state crime to lack immigration papers and requires police to determine whether people are in the country legally. The bill has sparked a firestorm of controversy including violent street protest and calls for boycotts. Arizona has been under siege for quite sometime. A large infiltration of illegal immigrants and drugs has made the state the kidnapping capital of the US.

The federal governments foot dragging has forced the State to take matters into its own hands. Curiously enough, president Obama has asked for an investigation into the constitutionality of the bill. What makes his inquiry ridiculous is that not only does the Arizona bill mirrors the federal law, the president had no such concern for the constitution when passing the monstrosity called the health care bill. Although I support the law, I have some reservations about its timing in that it gives the dozens of lame duck democrats something to run on in November. Hopefully, they'll be running for the border.


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