
Showing posts from October, 2010

Dude, That's The President!

Presidents Obama's desperation to save his presidency has been clearly evident over the past few weeks. He has appeared on every network show except Rachel Ray in attempts to galvanize his base. His latest appearance was on the Daily Show with John Stewart. To his credit Stewart was tough on the President, and frequently injected his trademark wit when the opportunity presented itself-the President gave him perfect setups. One of the more awkward moments came when the President used described former economic advisor Lawrence Summers as doing a "heck of a job" Stewart quipped " You don't not want to use that phrase dude". This of one of many instances where Obama hasn't looked presidential. In addition to his bowing before world leaders, being referred to as "Dude" certainly is not becoming of the leader of the free world. The truth is President Obama has diminished the office of in his attempts to appeal to certain groups. Some of these Appea...

NAACP Racism Smear On Schedule

As expected during an election cycle, the flames of racism have been stoked by the left. The NAACP has a perfect straw man with the rise of the Tea party movement. Its overwhelmingly white participants and "take our country back" slogans are a perfect set-up for racism claims. As this blogger has pointed out, the lack of blacks in the Tea party says more about blacks and the grotesquely monolithic thinking of blacks than it does the Tea Party. To grant its charge of racism an heir of credibility, the NAACP has issued a 94 page report which details alleges Tea party ties to racist and anti-Semites. One would have to suspend common sense to deny that this is nothing more than a pre-election smear campaign intended to get blacks to the polls. Ironically, the biggest manipulators of blacks are black left wing organizations like the NAACP. Its almost customary for charges of racism to emerge before an election to galvanize black voters-the Democratic party's best friends. The ...

PC Police Claim Another Victim: Juan Williams Fired

The left continues to eat its own as NPR commentator and long time Foxnews contributor Juan Williams was fired for what were considered anti-Muslim comments. During an appearance on the Bill O'reilly show, Williams stated that when he sees someone wearing Muslim garb getting on an airplane he gets nervous. Williams and O'reilly were discussing Bill's recent controversial sparring match on the view and American sentiment towards Muslims when he said: I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country," Williams said Monday."But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." Williams was then notified by his supervisor that he had been terminated. CEO Vivian Schiller stood by the networks decision that Williams was fired because ...

Foxnews Hysteria Debunked

Whenever the Obama administration wants to distract us from the train wreck that is their administration, they start the war on Foxnews and talk radio host. Fox is the only network that is called out by name for alleged bias by the administration which not so curiously fails to mention the resident loon at MSNBC Keith Olberman for his vitriol laced tirades. The mainstream media had a monopoly up until a decade ago when Fox burst onto the scene and upset the leftwing applecart. The fact is,Foxnews isn't anymore right leaning than the other networks like CNN are left leaning. If you compare them, the differences between the networks is clear. MSNBC, CNN have virtually no debate. Fox's "fair and balanced approach" of pitting the left/right points of view against one another and letting viewer decide has been a ratings bonanza. Foxnews has far more regular liberal contributors to its discussions than the others combined. Ellis Henican. Bob Beckle, Alan Colmes,Kiersten Pow...

The Winds Of Change Blowing The Other Way

The hope and change express has appeared to have run out of gas. The Democratic control of congress will apparently be short lived as the Republicans stand poised to send the dems back to rear of the political bus where they belong. Thanks to a combination of Tea party activism, and brain dead economic policies by the Obama administration, America seems as though they will send a clear message to the dems: keep the change! In spite of the attempts to bring out a full deck of race cards, which includes branding the Tea party racist, the liberal agenda appears to be crashing and burning. If you want to truly get a sense of their desperation, just tune in to black radio on any given day. The democrats playbook always includes stoking the emotions of its largest voting block: Blacks who vote overwhelming Democrat-roughly 80%. The Dems are counting on the planets to line up again just as they did in 08' when president Obama was elected. Even if blacks turn out in record numbers, it won...