NAACP Racism Smear On Schedule

As expected during an election cycle, the flames of racism have been stoked by the left. The NAACP has a perfect straw man with the rise of the Tea party movement. Its overwhelmingly white participants and "take our country back" slogans are a perfect set-up for racism claims. As this blogger has pointed out, the lack of blacks in the Tea party says more about blacks and the grotesquely monolithic thinking of blacks than it does the Tea Party.

To grant its charge of racism an heir of credibility, the NAACP has issued a 94 page report which details alleges Tea party ties to racist and anti-Semites. One would have to suspend common sense to deny that this is nothing more than a pre-election smear campaign intended to get blacks to the polls. Ironically, the biggest manipulators of blacks are black left wing organizations like the NAACP. Its almost customary for charges of racism to emerge before an election to galvanize black voters-the Democratic party's best friends. The Smears against the Tea party do not take into account the movements lack of central authority. There is no national leader, no national membership rolls and no national headquarters. It is a loosely associated grass roots movement with hundreds of factions, and no central authority to police itself. The NAACP has largely been silent however about the blatant racism and anti Semitism expressed by members of the so called New Black Panther Party. Samir Shabazz-head of the Philadelphia chapter- can be seen on video proclaiming his hatred for "crackers". He also states that freedom can only be obtained by "killing them and/or their babies". The organization has put forth the theory that the Israeli government warned Jews to "take the day off" on 911.

Where was the NAACP when Oreo cookies were thrown at then Lt. Governor Michael Steel? Where were they when Cleveland Democrat Nina Turner was depicted as an Aunt Jemima in a local black newspaper? They were silent for Sure since local NAACP President George Forbes refused to condemn the cartoon in spite of calls to do so. The evidence is clear that racism is nothing more than a tool used by the civil rights industry to further its agenda to keep blacks on the Democratic big Government plantation. If you miss this racism scandal, you can surely catch the next one in 2012.


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