PC Police Claim Another Victim: Juan Williams Fired

The left continues to eat its own as NPR commentator and long time Foxnews contributor Juan Williams was fired for what were considered anti-Muslim comments. During an appearance on the Bill O'reilly show, Williams stated that when he sees someone wearing Muslim garb getting on an airplane he gets nervous. Williams and O'reilly were discussing Bill's recent controversial sparring match on the view and American sentiment towards Muslims when he said: I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country," Williams said Monday."But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."
Williams was then notified by his supervisor that he had been terminated. CEO Vivian Schiller stood by the networks decision that Williams was fired because "he had several times in the past violated our news code of ethics with things that he had said on other people's air." Williams was warned about his transgressions after each instance that he failed to comply with company code, according to Schiller, who added, "at a certain point, if someone keeps not following your guidance, you have to make a break. And that's what we did".
Williams' firing was has created a firestorm of criticism from the right and left. Even far left "View" talk show host Whoopie Goldberg has expressed her outrage at NPR. Some members of the GOP have even threatened to cut off the networks government funds. The larger issue hear the the type of country that we are becoming. Free speech is becoming an endangered concept as the left gains more power in America. In western European nations where the left rules, one can be put on trial for violating legal speech codes. Think it can't happen here? If we allow the left's vision of America to prevail, it most certainly will.


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