Throwing The Book At Sarah Palin

It has been two years since the 2008 Presidential campaign has ended and a pressing question has finally been answered: What does Sarah Palin read? The question was asked of Palin by Katie Couric during the 08' campaign with John McCain. Palin admittedly didn't handle the question well and later confessed that she was "annoyed and insulted" by it. Barbara Walters dug up the infamous question again during a recent interview with Palin. What's more astonishing is the amount of reaction her response has generated-mainly from the left of course. Palin said she reads Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis for "inspiration".Joy Behar, that great political thinker from ABC's The View who mocks Palin relentlessly quipped "aren't those children's books"? Striking a similarly sarcastic tone was MSNBC commentator Richard Wolffe. While appearing on Chris Matthews show Harball dismissed Lewis as someone who "wrote a series of Children's books". The irony is those who make a living attacking the intellect of conservatives, have shown their own ignorance by dismissing one of the most prolific Christian writers of the past century. C.S. Lewis is a well respected writer with a great body of work which far exceeds "Narnia'. Then again, is it shocking that two flaming lefties wouldn't know a Christian writer? Perhaps not so much given the disdain that many on the left have for Christianity-which is evidenced by the consistent insults Behar has directed at Christians on The View and her own Joy Behar show on CNN Headline news.

Out of all the liberal madness comes a voice of reason. Wall Street Journal online's Michael Flaherty wrote an insightful response to this criticism(see link below). I see this reaction as nothing more than political opportunism from the left who never miss an opportunity to mock conservatives as stupid and uneducated. The unholy alliance between the liberal mainstream media and the entertainment left has endured for over thirty years since Gerald Ford was mocked as a klutz on Saturday Night live. The fact that so called respectable commentators even gave attention to such a mundane issue is revealing. I continue to be fascinated at PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome). I don't think the left ever got over how she lampooned the chosen one Obama at the 2008 RNC convention. Her attacks on him were regarding his political accomplishments, the attacks on her are purely personal. Palin's resume includes Mayor, Regulator and Governor. Not bad for a woman who reads children's books.

In leftist icon Saul Alinky's book Rules for Radicals, he clearly outlines a strategy of mocking the opposition. I guess we know what the left is reading


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