Media Bias Rears it's Slanted Head

They Bring a Knife,We Bring a Gun”,“Get in Their Faces!” “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”, Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“,“Punish your enemies.” “I’m itching for a fight.”...

It only took about 60 seconds after the news of the Arizona shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to blame it on " Heated Right wing rhetoric on talk radio and cable Television." in general and Sarah Palin specifically. I will outline in a moment why this is complete nonsense however it's important to know that the rhetoric above doesn't belong to Palin-Those words belongs to Barack Obama. You haven't heard any of these words replayed in the aftermath of this tragedy. Sarah Palin has become the poster girl for heated political rhetoric which more than likely did not motivate this loon in Arizona. Whenever these events happen , the media machine if MSNBC instantly draw links to the right wing or the Tea Party even if its totally unclear if the perpetrator had any coherent political agenda. Why haven't Barack Obama's words been drudged up by MSNBC? The answer is he's on the left and people on the left by and large consider themselves better people. The knee jerk calls for a return to civil political discourse causes me to ask: when has there ever been such a thing in America?

There is far less politically inspired violence in America than its ever been. Our founders often were brutal in their personal attacks of one another and their opponents spouse was not out of bounds. 1 in 4 US presidents have been shot or shot at since 1865. In the 1950's there was an attempt to assassinate President Truman by Puerto Rican extremist. The 1960's produced 5 politically motivated murders. Samual Byck a deranged unemployed tire salesman attempted to hijack an airplane out of Maryland in order to fly it into the White house and kill President Nixon. He killed a security guard and a co- pilot before he was killed himself. There were two attempts on President Gerald Fords life in 17 days. In 1978 Mayor George Moscone of San Francisco along with a staff supervisor was assassinated by staffer Dan White. The last assassination or attempted assassination of a political figure fortunately was 30 years ago when Ronald Reagan was shot by celebrity stalker John Hinckley Jr.

These individuals need no political motivation or metaphor used by an elected official to set them off. This is once again the mainstream media's left wing bias on display. I would challenge anyone to site an example of this type of violence linked by the media to the left or a left wing talk show host like Keith Olberman. Heated rhetoric or not, these lunatics need no political metaphors to set them off. History shows that political climate or discourse is immaterial to these violent acts.


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