Romney Clinches Nomination

After a circus like atmosphere over the past several months, Governor Mitt Romney has clinched the Republican nomination. I admit that I tuned out the selection process while distractions like Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich we inexplicably hanging around. I am now tuning back in to see if Governor Romney can unite the Republican base and defeat President Obama in November-let us pray. Romney has a few challenges such his Morman religion and his perceived moderate conservatism. Although the base-including this blogger-aren't exactly dancing on our living room tables about Mitt, I have complete confidence that the Governor can effectively move the country away from the class war, welfare mentality that have taken hold. President Obama has his own challenges, not least of which is his record. He most certainly will not be able to recreate the religious like adulation he generated during the '08 campaign. There are many independent voters who suffer buyers remorse and have turned against the presidents for his run to the right, particularly in the war on terror which is virtually indistinguishable from that of George W. Bush. Which Ironically which is the only area I will give him high marks. So I'll sit back and watch the fun as the Democrats fabricate the latest racism scandal in order to drive blacks to the polls. I expect it right around October.


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