Obama Escapes With Second Term

 President Barack Obama was elected Tuesday by over 2 million votes over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Obama secured his re-election with decisive victories in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. The President was also able to emerge victorious in the bellwether State of Ohio by just 51,000 votes. The pundits are of course writing the GOP's obituary and projecting a long absence from the White House. The Democrats also pick up two Senate seats. The calls for Republicans soul searching and re-branding have already begun. One of the clearest differences between the two sides is the left's mastery of pandering politics. The Democrats have made a very good living off of what talk show Dennis Prager has termed the liberal trinity: race, gender, class. They continuously pat themselves on the back for the 'diversity' in their ranks-I call it exploitation. Each election cycle, blacks and other minority groups are trotted out and manipulated  into storming to the polls to put a halt to some sort of oppressive racist conspiracy conjured up by the GOP. Admittedly the right isn't good at this which is both a strength and its greatest weakness. The nature of politics today dictates that in order to "expand the tent" one must cater to specific voting blocks racial and ethnic and or gender sensibilities. In other words tell them how the rich white male is out to get them. The conservative message isn't about race, gender, class, religion or any other identity marker. Unfortunately, for the overwhelming majority of blacks with its addiction to government intervention, may be completely antithetical to a conservative platform-at least for the foreseeable future.

It is important for us on the right to remember that in politics there are no permanent victories. We have two years to prepare for the 2014 midterm congressional races and maybe we"ll have the opportunity to undue some of the damage.


Dan Messina said…
The Social Democrats have successfully engaged in the classical divide and conquer tactics. Tell women how their contraceptive & abortion rights will be taken away, tell Hispanics how they will be deported, tell blacks that Jim Crow will be re-instituted, tell gays how all their rights will be taken, tell the poor their welfare will be taken away from (& given to the rich), tell the old how Medicare will be raided and so on. Instill fear into these groups in the hopes they vote on their singular issue based on their grouping. In other words, vote with fear based on race, class, gender. ~Dan Messina

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