Obama Worship Reaches Frightening Level


It was clear during the tidal wave of 2008 other wise known as the Obama campaign that there was indeed a sort of messianic adulation surrounding then Senator Obama. Sadly, it has not dissipated even after four years of a dismal economic record. The worship of president Obama has reached a frightening level. I was horrified when I tuned in to a talk radio show and heard a college professor touting her book "The Gospel According To Apostle Barack". Barbara Thompson, at Florida A&M University compares Barack to Martin Luther King and Jesus for his focus on the poor.  Just this past week, a controversy was stoked at the depiction of Barack in the likeness of Jesus complete with rose thorns simulating crucifixion. This type of idol worship particularly in the black community is a result of four decades of indoctrination by our education system.
Since the death of MLK, blacks have especially been thoroughly conditioned for the return of a black messiah. The end of the civil rights movement paved the way for a second act, led by a new class of MLK wannabes. black children as a result of this myopia can seldom muster any other historical black figure to discuss other than King. The election of Barack Obama represented the culmination of forty years of activism for the black elite-many of them raised during and immediately after the King era. For many, Barack Obama is more than just a politician he is indeed a prophet sent to black America. The secular black elites who have anointed Obama's as the savior are held in high esteem by blacks overall and the mainstream media as the voices of black America-which this makes this type of idolatry especially dangerous. At the end of the day, there may be a silver lining in all this. There are only four years left in the Barack Obama era. Once his reign ends and the lives of most black Americans remains unchanged as it undoubtedly will, this civil right movement 2.0 will lose its breath. No longer will the Democrats be able to wind up black voters and march them to the polls to punch their tickets. True change for black America will not come from a charismatic politician from Academia, but from a culture that practices values over politics.


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