SCOTUS Guts Voting Rights Act, Left Unhinged

In a decision that will surely rock the political landscape  the Supreme Court has struck down a key section of the 1965 voting rights act, the provision of the landmark civil rights law that designates which parts of the country must have changes to their voting laws cleared by the federal government.

In a 5-4 ruling split along ideological lines, the court has ruled that 'things have changed dramatically' in the South since the Act was passed 50 years ago and Federal supervision is no longer needed. Predictably this decision has caused great consternation on the left “Today will be remembered as a step backwards in the march towards equal rights,” said Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. “We must ensure that this day is just a page in our nation’s history, rather than the return to a dark chapter." Such hyperbolic laments are all to common amongst the alarmist on the black left.  They are convinced, save for I phones and Barack Obama's Presidency, that 1965 and 2013 are indistinguishable. If one were to listen to MSNBC regularly, it would appear that  George Wallace still occupies the Governors Mansion.

The civil rights establishment has successfully kept blacks locked into a perpetual state of grievance which in many ways is greater than that of our parents and grandparents who actually lived through the Jim Crow era. This ruling will surely be used as propaganda to further the agenda of the those who benefit from the disillusionment and anger of the black community. The hotly contested voter ID issue has been used by Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus to galvanize their overwhelmingly left wing base. As the 2014 mid-term elections approach, we most certainly will see the usual inflammatory racially charged language used to incite Democratic voters. In addition, the straw man voter suppression' issue will no doubt be the #1 tactic used from the left wing bag of tricks.


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