Lemon's Comments Leave Sour Taste For The Left

Over the past several years one thing has been made very clear by the left: do not cross us. The latest victim of the left's mob attacks CNN Liberal host Don Lemon who dared to actually agree with comments made by the much despised FOX commentator Bill Ore'illy. Ore'illy called out members of the civil rights establishment for their silence on the myriad of problems in the black community such a crime and out of wedlock births. On Lemon's CNN show he not only agreed with Ore'illy but stated that 'he didn't go far enough. Lemon then proceeded  to outline several points which he feels would improve the black community such as education, and doing away with sagging pants. Some of his seemingly mundane suggestions have set of a firestorm of criticism which the left often does when one of their own strays from the left wing orthodoxy. Its appears that on the left one can only speak of blacks as victims of racial and economic oppression. Raising issues of personal responsibility will often spark vicious attacks from the left as Lemon has certainly experienced. The familiar taunts of "Uncle Tom",  'sellout" and 'turn coat' have been used to describe him. It has become evident that no matter whom the source they will be attacked, be it President Obama whose speech at Moorehouse College last month drew criticism from his base; to Bill Cosby's critique on black culture several years ago which even prompted black liberal professor Michael Eric Dyson to write a book about it.

The tragic truth is that the most dangerous enemies of blacks are the so called black leaders and the formally educated black intelligentsia. Their sole purpose is to serve as attack dogs against anyone who betrays the far left dogma of victimization. The serious problems that plague the black community with never improve given that the basic concept of personal responsibility is all but non-existent. I say to Mr. Lemon whom I don't always agree with Bravo! You're the only liberal and CNN or MSNBC who has guts.


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