March To Nowhere

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the 1963 march on Washington where The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic 'I have a dream speech". Hundreds of thousands of primarily blacks gathered in Washington D.C. to demand jobs and freedom. This weekend, again thousands will gather to commemorate the march, this time the theme is ' jobs and justice". Although the 1963 march is to be respected and revered for its impact on civil rights, the gatherings over the past several decades continue to cheapen the legacy of the civil rights movement. Since 1963, the civil rights impostors have successfully convinced subsequent generations that very little has changed in America. Media anointed black 'leaders' have created a "grievance industrial complex" in order to draw phony parallels to the Jim Crow era.

After five decades of race baiting, racial hoaxes (SEE Tawana Brawley and Duke Lacross) and six years of Barack Obama attack dogs, America is not in a good place. Many feel that race relations have been setback thirty years. Not since New York's subway shooter Bernard Goetz, or at best the Los Angeles riots has race relations been so tenuous in America. The relentless accusations of racism directed at any and everyone who doesn't subscribe to President Obama's policies. You can assured that race relations will continue to deteriorate so long as blacks and white liberals remain locked in a time warp- as if Bull Connor and George Wallace still exist. This weekend's march is another painful example of the left mistaking activity for achievement.


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