The Silence Of The Dems

Order appears to have been restored with the resounding defeat of the Democrats during midterm elections earlier this month. The Republicans gained the 9 seats needed to regain control of the senate as well as several key Governors seats. Perennial blue state Maryland elected Republican Larry Hogan in a race that further shook the political landscape. Democrats as you could imagine did not take the defeat well, blaming everything from the GOP money machine, Ebola, to low voter turnout for their ouster. Now it's time for true conservatives to return to governance and lift the country out of its economic slumber. Democrats have failed to put any pressure whatsoever on their protected President. The Keystone Pipeline has been left in limbo for two years along with 300 other pieces of legislation that waste away on Harry Reid's desk.

When congress begins its new session in January, Republicans will be in favorable position to force President Obama to play ball. In order to remain in power and re-energize the economy the Party needs to return to its conservatives principles of limited government, and fiscal responsibility. Reforming the tax code and lifting the regulations on the energy sector are already on the docket. The end result should be a vibrant economy and a smaller, less intrusive federal government. If they fail then prepare for not only for a democratic resurgence in 2016 but possibly President Hil.....I can't, sorry.


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